What a Long Strange Trip It's Been

Home. The very word evokes feelings of comfort and being settled. Home is where you heart is, where your dog is, where your wife is, and so on.

For me, home has changed. I always thought that home was Albany, Georgia. Indeed, my last post here was an explanation of my thought process in leaving Florida and going back to help be the change I thought my hometown needed. But there was a problem: after a decade in Florida, Albany, Georgia was no longer my home.

Life happened, as it tends to do. They say you can’t go home again, and in my case, they are right. Add to that the fact that my wife and I found out we are expecting our first child, and our priorities shifted. No longer did Albany seem like home. We had a home, and we just needed to go back.

And so, here we are, back in Nassau County, Florida. It is where my legal career began, and it is our home. It is our little kingdom by the beach. Astraea Law, PA is growing and will be opening an office in Fernandina Beach on June 1. Our family is growing, too, and soon, our little boy will be collecting shark teeth on Amelia Island beaches. We are so happy to be home again.

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